32/36 Weber DGV Carb with manual choke Kit
Genuine Weber 32/36 DGV replacement carburettor kit for Ford Capri, Cortina and Granada 2.0L fitted with 32/36 DGAV.
Replaces auto (water operated) choke with more reliable manual mechanism.
Jetted to suit 2.0L engines.
Kit includes:-
- Weber 32/36 DGV carburettor.
- Choke cable and fitting kit
- Water hose by pass kit
- Fuel pipe and return to tank adaptor.
- In line fuel filter
- Manifold heat spacer/gasket
- Fitting instructions.
Standard jetting is:-
- 26mm Primary venturi (fixed)
- 27mm Secondary venturi (fixed)
- 140 Primary main jet
- 140 Secondary main jet
- F50 Primary emulsion tube
- F50 Secondary emulsion tube
- 165 Primary air corrector jet
- 160 Secondary air corrector jet
- 30 Pump exhaust valve
- 60 Primary idle jet
- 50 Secondary idle jet
- 50 Pump jet
- 2.00 Needle valve.